Sharing on Professional Practice

To encourage the sharing of professional and evidence-based practice, we have created a corner for sharing of professional practice in our DEP website.

Members who wish to share their professional practice could submit the online form(HERE) by providing relevant information. Sharing of evidence-based practice is particularly encouraged.

Title Recommended by
1 School Based Intervention Model on Holistic Support for ADHD Primary Schools Students (Quality Education Fund Project (QEF Project No.: 2008/0197)) 
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2 「喜閱寫意 ─ 賽馬會讀寫支援計劃」 《聽說讀寫小寶盒 - 幼兒語文學習 教材套》 
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3 Hands-On Parent Empowerment 
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Cynthia LEUNG
4 Social Cognitions and Social Skills Program 社交思考與技巧課程 
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Shui-fong LAM